This project is a mashup of all the arts I did for Inktober 2021.

I used digital art instead of the traditional ink, and did not followed Inktober's official prompt, but one a friend of mine created.

She named her list Plenatober (mixing her username plenakrause and Inktober), and here are its prompts:
1. Ball
2. Box
3. Cone/Triangle
4. Traffic light
5. Tree/Plant
6. Floater
7. Frame
8. Cutlery
9. Wooden spoon
10. Wine glass
11. Watch
12. Fanny pack
13. Tadpole
14. Drinking fountain
15. Avocado
16. Microfone
17. Sound box/Speaker
18. Pumpkin
19. Brick 
20. Piggy Bank
21. Blowtorch
22. Favorite Shoe
23. Earphone
24. Mat/Carpet
25. Guava fruit
26. Scarf
27. Cloud
28. Bat
29. Closet
30. Create an illustration with all previous elements

Here is a compilation of my artworks.
Final piece, putting all elements together in one illustration:
Thanks for seeing my work!

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