I was given a sentence to make an illustration about.
My sentence was "Golem Kind riding a donkey, chasing a pixie who is carrying a magical crown in a flying city". Crazy and exciting, right?!
So come with me in this journey through my illustration process :)
First of all, I began trying some shape composition, sketching the ideas that came to mind. I ended up choosing the middle-left sketch.

Then I gathered some images to use as reference, and did a more refined (still pretty messy) version of my sketch, this time using digital media.

Finally the refined sketch and a thumbnail of the colors I decided to use.

After the base colors, lightening and some refinement, we have the illustration without motion blur.

Below, you can check the final version, with motion blur in the background and edges of the characters.

I hope you enjoyed!
Thank you for seeing my work =)